KDCalc Class Library

IComInterop Members

IComInterop overview

Public Instance Properties

ActiveSheetIndex Get or set the index of the current active worksheet.
ActiveSheetNameGet the name of the current active worksheet, or set the active worksheet by name.
AllowCellFormulaOverwriteGet or set a flag to allow cell formulas to be overwritten. Defaults to false. This means an OverwriteCellFormulaExcetion will be thrown when a cell containing a cell formula is written to.
AutoPersist Get or set a property which tells the engine whether or not to use automatic persistence. AutoPersist is true by default. AutoPersist saves out all cells with values which do not have formulas in them. If AutoPersist is false, only cells marked as "zCPersist" in Excel are persisted.
DynamicMaxColReturns the active sheet's right-most column number. This corresponds to the last used cell across all rows.
DynamicMaxRowGets the active sheet's bottom-most row number. This corresponds to the last used cell across all columns.
DynamicMinColReturns the active sheet's left-most column number. This corresponds to the first used cell across all rows.
DynamicMinRow Returns the active sheet's top-most row number. This corresponds to the first used cell across all columns.
FileDate Get the date/time when the currently loaded workbook was compiled.
FileName Gets or sets the name of the file loaded by the CalcEngine.
FileVersion Get the version of KDCalc which the currently loaded workbook was compiled with.
NameCountGet the number of user-defined names in the workbook.
SheetCount Get the number of worksheets in the workbook
StaticMaxColGets the active sheet's right-most column of the End cell specified when creating the Sheet in KDCalcParser
StaticMaxRowReturns the active sheet's bottom-most row of the End cell specified when creating the Sheet in KDCalcParser
StaticMinColGets the active sheet's left-most column of the Start cell specified when creating the Sheet in KDCalcParser
StaticMinRowGets the active sheet's top-most row of the Start as specified when creating the Sheet in KDCalcParser
Timestamp Return the time at which the KDCalcEngine instance was created or reset.
Version Get the KDCalc version number as a string.
WorkbookName The name of the currently loaded workbook.

Public Instance Methods

ClearCellOverloaded. Clears the value of a cell on the specified sheet.
ClearRange Clears all of the cells in the given Range.
GetBooleanOverloaded. Get the logical value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
GetBooleanFromNamedCell Utility method to get the boolean value from a single named cell
GetCellName Get the Name assciated of a cell on the specified worksheet. Returns the first found name if more than one name is associated with the cell. Returns null if no Name is associated with the cell. Does not change the active sheet.
GetCellTypeOverloaded. Returns a CellType value for a cell on the specified sheet. Does not change the active sheet.
GetCellTypeFromNamedCell Returns a CellType value for a named cell on the specified sheet.
GetDateOverloaded. Get the date/time value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
GetFirstVisibleSheetName Method to retrieve the name of the first visible sheet.
GetFormattedTextOverloaded. Get the formatted text value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
GetFormattedTextFromNamedCell Utility method to get the formatted text value from a single named cell
GetName Return the Nth user defined name.
GetNumberOverloaded. Get the numeric value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
GetNumberArrayFrom1DRange Utility method for returning an array of numbers for a 1-Dimensional, HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL range. For a single named Cell, it will return that cell's number in an array of length 1.
GetNumberArrayFrom2DRange Returns a 2-Dimensional array of double which represent the range by [row][col].
GetNumberFromNamedCell Utility method to get the double value from a single named cell.
GetRangeFromName Return a Range by looking it up by name.
GetSheetIndex Return the corresponding index of named sheet.
GetSheetName Get the name of the worksheet corresponding to the passed in index.
GetSpecialFuncCount Method for retrieving the number of special functions, such as KD_HideSheet, stored in the .kdc file.
GetSpecialFuncResult Get the result of a specialFunc as referred to by index.
GetState Returns the state of any changed non-formula cells and return a representative XML string.
GetStyleOverloaded. Get the Style of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
GetTextOverloaded. Get the textual value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
GetTextArrayFrom1DRange Utility method for returning an array of numbers for a 1-Dimensional, HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL range. For a single named Cell, it will return that cell's number in an array of length 1.
GetTextArrayFrom2DRange Returns a 2-Dimensional array of Strings which represent the range by [row][col].
GetTextFromNamedCell Utility method to get the text value from a single named cell
LoadStateOverloaded. Load the state from an XML doc into the currently instantiated CalcEngine.
ProcessXmlStateOverloaded. Processes inputs and then returns specified outputs as specified in an XML document. Returns outputs in as an XML string, which is compatible with save and loading of the engine's state.
Recalc Recalculate all cell formulas.
ResetReset the KDCalcEngine to its original state.
ResetTimestamp Reset the timestamp indicating when the KDCalcEngine instance was created.
SaveStateOverloaded. Save the state of any changed non-formula cells into an xml doc.
SetBooleanOverloaded. Set the logical value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
SetBooleanInNamedCell Utility method to set the boolean value in a single named cell
SetDateOverloaded. Set the date/time value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
SetNumberOverloaded. Set the numeric value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
SetNumberInNamedCell Utility method to set the double value in a single named cell.
SetTextOverloaded. Set the textual value of a cell on the specified worksheet. Does not change the active sheet.
SetTextInNamedCell Utility method to set the text value in a single named cell
SetValueOverloaded. Set the value of a cell on the specified worksheet.
SetValueInNamedCell Set a value in a single named cell.

See Also

IComInterop Interface | KnowledgeDynamics.KDCalc Namespace