KDCalc Class Library

KnowledgeDynamics.KDCalc Namespace

The KnowledgeDynamics.KDCalc namespace contains classes for the KDCalc Engine. The KDCalcEngine class provides most API's. The engine provides runtime access to Excel models which have been transformed into .kdc files through the KDCalc Excel Plugin.


CellFormat Stores the number format associated with the cell. The format describes how numbers, dates, times, currencies, percentages, text, spacing are displayed within a cell. KDCalc supports a subset of Excel's formatting. See Excel's documentation for more.
CircularReferenceException The exception is thrown when a circular reference is found in the spreadsheet.
EDateEDate is a class which mimics the Date functionality in Excel.
KDCalcDataAdapter A DataAdapter implementation for KDCalc. Represents a set of commands and a connection to an instance of a KDCalcEngine. The KDCalcDataAdapter can be used to fill DataSets and update the data source.
KDCalcEngine Public API class for KDCalc.
KDCalcException The general exception that is thrown when a KDCalc error occurs.
KDCalcPool The KDCalcPool is a singleton class which holds a pool of KDCalcEngines.
KDFont Stores Font information such as name, size, color, bold, italic, etc...
OverwriteCellFormulaExceptionThe exception that is thrown when a user attempts to overwrite a cell formula in the spreadsheet.
RangeA Range describes an area bounded by a top left cell and bottom right cell.
Style The Style class holds information about a cell's font, format, borders, colors, etc...
UserDefinedFunctionManager UserDefinedFunctionManager - BETA


IComInterop This interface serves as a COM Interop adapter for KDCalcEngine. The IComInterop interface should never be directly used. This interface allows Visual Basic to obtain Intellisense and perform early binding to the KDCalcEngine.
IUserDefinedFunctionLib IUserDefinedFunction - BETA


CellType Describes the type of value in the cell whther it is empty, a formula, number, text, boolean, a date, or an error.
RangeType The type of cell configuration that the Range contains.